Recently I have been pressing in with prayer on marriage. It is my desire to remarry and there are certain lessons I have learned recently. I would like to share them with you.
God is MOST concerned about spiritual compatibility AND purpose compatibility more than anything else. If we are unequally yoked with an unbeliever or with someone whose spiritual level is different from ours then we will not make it as a couple. This is regardless of income, community status, corporate status or church status.
Our purpose MUST line up as well. What were we called to do? Who are we supposed to be? With the wrong spouse in our lives we may get to our purpose but we may struggle a lot more to meet it. Or we may never do it at all. With the right person, things flow between both of you. There is an understanding and compatibility that resembles a glove that fits a hand well. Friction is at a minimum as you are both heading in the same direction. The tug-of-war feeling dissipates when the purpose of both marriage partners are aligned.
Appearance and other temporal factors (such as skin tone, height, weight, earnings, education, etc.) matters more to us than it does to God. We sometimes miss God because of what we consider to be right for us. What if your perfect spouse is 5 inches taller than you and much darker than you would have preferred? What if he is a mechanic by day but a student of the Word in the evenings because he is preparing to preach the gospel? What if she doesn’t have long, flowing hair but she has creative ideas that can help you with your business? Many happily married people have stated that their spouses were right before their eyes, but until God unveiled their partner they thought he or she was just another person (or just a good friend).
God does NOT need our help in finding a spouse. He does, however, need our cooperation. We need to prepare ourselves to receive who He has tailor-made just for us. This also means that our biases (racial, educational, financial, appearance, etc.) must be laid out before Him so that He can work on us. We may decide it is time to search for a spouse, so we do what we’ve always done: We get hooked up on blind dates, or we scope out the church for a brother or a sister. What I am learning is that these things can help us meet new people but we need to go to God DIRECTLY when seeking a spouse. Sometimes the person we think is right for us is not God’s best. He knows what we need. He knows WHO we need. And He knows what we need for the future. Our vision is only for the present, but God knows our entire life story and who would be best to help us fill in all the details and to share our experiences with us.
Our dependence on God for a spouse shows that we trust Him fully with our lives. When we insist on finding the love of our lives, and after we do we present to Him who we chose (which is what I did the first time) then we must be willing to handle the consequences of such a decision. If we depend on God to select our mates, then He is held fully responsible for how things turn out. And trust me, if He has ANYTHING to do with it, the marriage will be a match made in Heaven! This does not mean disagreements won’t come, nor does it mean sickness or financial trouble won’t appear, but you will have such a strong foundation that you will not be shaken by what comes. And divorce won’t be on your mind, either.
Many of us surrendered our hearts to Jesus Christ to be Savior, but we will take a lifetime in allowing Him to become Lord over all aspects of our lives. Let us allow Him into this very important area, that of choosing a spouse for us.
~ Article by Michelle Cameron
Author, "It's My Life and I Live Here: One Woman's Story."
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Exit the Fire as Pure Gold!
“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”One thing is certain: at least once in our lives, we will experience hardship. Even Jesus confirms that our lives on earth won’t be free of heartache and pain.
Romans 5:3-4
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33At one time or another, we’ve all doubted that God was really with us. It’s easy to trust and believe in Him when thing are going great – all is well on the job, you’ve got money in the bank, your marriage or relationship is thriving, your children are doing well in school, and you’re healthy and growing spiritually. But what happens when you get upsetting news from the doctor? Or your teenage daughter tells you she’s pregnant? Or your spouse leaves you for another woman? When your heart is broken, when you’ve been let down by a family member or friend, when you’ve experienced loss, it’s harder to trust in the Lord.
In Mark 9, when Jesus came upon a demon-possessed boy and his father, He told the man that anything is possible to him who believes (v.23). The father said, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”(v. 24). I’m sure there’s been a similar time in your job when you doubted God was anywhere in sight. The new boss is on your case every minute for no reason at all. Your co-worker, once considered a friend, betrays your trust. You’re in the midst of a mess, and you wonder, Lord, are you there? The heart believes, but the flesh, which is weak, doubts.
The Word tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not place any strength in our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Trials and hardships are the times when we need God the most and must trust Him every step of the way. I can testify that we will be stronger, smarter, tougher, and more lovable at the end. And our fiery experiences will always bless us in some way – to build our faith, our character, our self-esteem, and our anointing.
The funny thing is, God knows the outcome of a situation before it even arises. But He wants us to see His power and deliverance in action. He knows what He can do; He wants us to know it also.
No matter how tough the trial, you can come out of the fire as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did (Daniel 3:26). Nebuchadnezzar saw “four men, untied and walking around in the midst of the fire! No harm has come to them! And the appearance of the fourth is like that of a god!” (v.25 NET). Jesus was that fourth Man! Remember to call on Him, especially during tough times. Sister, your suffering is but for a season. Look to your future and spend your time planning for it.
“As I walk through the firestorms of life with the Lord at my side, the flames of doubt and fear will not touch me. I will emerge as pure gold!”
~ Carol Mackey is the author of Sistagirl Devotions which is a GREAT book for Winning Women. For More Information about Carol visit

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tanica L. Morant
We finally caught up with Winning Woman Tanica L. Morant. We located her in Wilmington, NC at a local Beauty Salon. However, this diva wasn’t there getting her hair done. She was there working, making someone look like a new woman. That’s right. Tanica is a Hair Stylist and she’s been doing it for over 17 years. But there’s much more to Tanica than smocks, shears, and shampoo. Tanica will not only make your head look pretty, but she’ll also fill it with wisdom. And if you follow the ‘Winning Woman’ Page on facebook or twitter, then you’ve already had a taste of the knowledge she shares. Majority of the status updates are done by her. For the most part, Tanica is ‘Winning Woman’. Though she runs the Winning Woman page, she’s the creator and founder of a local woman’s group called “Ladies Loving Life”, she’s putting together a 3-day Women’s Conference this year… we finally squeezed in an appointment to get this powerful interview. So we hope that you’re just as excited as we are about this interview. Let’s get started.
WW: Hey Tanica, thanks for taking the time to do this interview. So you’ve been doing hair for a while. Does being a Hair Stylist expose you to a lot of what’s going on with women?
TANICA: I minister on a daily basis and it does expose you to a lot. Because being a Hair Stylist you take on a whole lot of caps; you become a psychologist, you become a mama, you become a friend… It’s just amazing the amount of confidence people put in you when they actually sit in your chair.
WW: So your clients get ministered to?
TANICA: My clients actually get ministered to. I don’t just do their head, but I put something in it.
WW: So Tanica, what makes you a Winning Woman?
TANICA: I’m a Winning Woman because every morning I wake up with a determination to do whatever I have to do to please God. It’s my love of working with people and children, especially women. It’s the impact I want to give to individual lives. I want to make a difference.
WW: There are a lot of women in the world. Do majority of women win?
TANICA: To be honest, it’s a lot of us who don’t win. That’s my main focus – to grab a hold to them, to pull them to where I am, and once they get to that point, prayerfully they’re going to pull other people. I mean we can all go higher just pulling on each other…trying to reach a goal.
WW: What is one of the biggest reasons that a lot of women don’t win?
TANICA: They don’t have confidence in themselves. They feel like they can’t make it. Someone told them somewhere along the road that they can’t do it. Some of the situations that they’re in they just feel they can’t make it. I know that’s part of the reason that I was put here – that the things I’ve been through in my life, it’s not for me, but it’s for somebody else. Just to be able to share my story, to just be able to help somebody else, to help women… that’s my ministry. And not only women, but females in general. They’re my passion. That’s what cleaves to me.
WW: What are some of the most common frustrations women are facing today?
TANICA: I would have to say finances and relationships.
WW: What are the most common frustrations with relationships?
TANICA: When I say “relationships”, I’m not just talking about with men, but also their friends and family. A lot of single women say that they’re lonely. Many of them have poor self-esteem. A lot of the married ones feel that their husbands are not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Or they feel they’re incomplete or they haven’t arrived in a certain area that they think they should be at a certain time.
WW: And what’s the common problem with finances?
TANICA: Everybody’s broke! (LOL)
WW: With everything that’s going on – society downfall, the economy, divorce rate is on the high, etc. I guess my question is, ‘Can a woman still win?”
TANICA: YES! Every morning that I wake up, though everyday is not always peaches & cream, I rest on the assurance that – GOD’S GOT IT! I don’t have to worry. He got it. Even though it might not be what I want it to look like or seem like I want it to seem, He got it. I trust and depend on Him totally. There is nothing else. I have a daughter who’s almost 20 and I’m also teaching her how to lean and depend. I don’t want to be a crutch to her. I want to be an inspiration. I want her to look at me and say, “You know what, my mama got through this and she got through this because of Jesus.” I want her to realize that Jesus is all she has too.
WW: So where do you get your encouragement from?
TANICA: The Word of God encourages me. Also my life’s connections with people I surround myself with. Another one of my biggest encouragements is having a mother that’s saved. And she encourages me on a daily basis. She’s not just my mother, but she’s my best friend, she’s my prayer partner… she fills a really big role in my life. She’s truly a blessing, because so many people are not blessed to have parents that are saved who are walking the same walk that they’re walking.
WW: What if a woman came to you today? She’s been down and out, she feels whipped and ready to quit. But she heard about the ‘Winning Woman’ Page and she wants to be a Winning Woman. Where does she start? What would you tell her?
TANICA: That would totally depend on who the woman is and what my spirit guides me to do. Because in some situations when a woman approaches you, you can’t just pour. Sometimes they just want that listening ear. Sometimes they just want you to pray for them. Sometimes they just want a hug. It just depends on how this woman approaches me. Is this woman saved? Is this woman not saved? So it will totally depend on how the Holy Spirit directs me.
WW: Besides running the ‘Winning Woman’ pages through Social Network, you also created a local group called ‘Ladies Loving Life’ within your community. What is that all about?
TANICA: ‘Ladies Loving Life’ is a vision that was planted inside of me. I knew where I was 10 or 15 years ago. I know the different levels I went through. I wanted to bring a group of women together with different backgrounds and different things going on in their life, to let them know that “You’re not going through this by yourself. Somebody else is either going through it or gone through it.” We can lean on each other. I’m trying to build a community of females that can lift each other up, because so many of us are hurting. You often just take yourself and put yourself in a cocoon, because you don’t want to tell someone else your story. You fear they’re going to tell somebody else. But even when we come together: if you only attach to one person, that’s one person in your life that you didn’t have before.
WW: I heard that you’re also putting together a Women’s Conference for your local church. Tell us about that.
TANICA: I’m doing a Women’s Conference titled “Responding to Life’s Situations”. It’s a 3-day event that will elevate you in the areas of spirituality, health, finances, and relationships. Because in today’s society, these are the main things that are affecting women today. This will take place August 5-7, 2011
WW: When it’s all said and done, what do you want people to say about Tanica L. Morant?
TANICA: That I gave it my all. My main focus was to please God. To be a light that shines so much that I don’t have to verbally express out of my mouth what my beliefs are, who I trust in, you just know it. Just my presence itself will let you know that God is first in my life. No matter what I touch, I just want you to see Him; through all of my actions; no matter what I do; through all of the conversations; my work; whatever I do, I just want His Light to shine.
~ Tanica L. Morant is a mother, teacher, Hair Stylist, and Winning Woman Administrator. She's the creator and owner of 'Ladies Loving Life'. You can connect with Tanica by joining the Winning Woman's Page on facebook -
WW: Hey Tanica, thanks for taking the time to do this interview. So you’ve been doing hair for a while. Does being a Hair Stylist expose you to a lot of what’s going on with women?
TANICA: I minister on a daily basis and it does expose you to a lot. Because being a Hair Stylist you take on a whole lot of caps; you become a psychologist, you become a mama, you become a friend… It’s just amazing the amount of confidence people put in you when they actually sit in your chair.
WW: So your clients get ministered to?
TANICA: My clients actually get ministered to. I don’t just do their head, but I put something in it.
WW: So Tanica, what makes you a Winning Woman?
TANICA: I’m a Winning Woman because every morning I wake up with a determination to do whatever I have to do to please God. It’s my love of working with people and children, especially women. It’s the impact I want to give to individual lives. I want to make a difference.
WW: There are a lot of women in the world. Do majority of women win?
TANICA: To be honest, it’s a lot of us who don’t win. That’s my main focus – to grab a hold to them, to pull them to where I am, and once they get to that point, prayerfully they’re going to pull other people. I mean we can all go higher just pulling on each other…trying to reach a goal.
WW: What is one of the biggest reasons that a lot of women don’t win?
TANICA: They don’t have confidence in themselves. They feel like they can’t make it. Someone told them somewhere along the road that they can’t do it. Some of the situations that they’re in they just feel they can’t make it. I know that’s part of the reason that I was put here – that the things I’ve been through in my life, it’s not for me, but it’s for somebody else. Just to be able to share my story, to just be able to help somebody else, to help women… that’s my ministry. And not only women, but females in general. They’re my passion. That’s what cleaves to me.
WW: What are some of the most common frustrations women are facing today?
TANICA: I would have to say finances and relationships.
WW: What are the most common frustrations with relationships?
TANICA: When I say “relationships”, I’m not just talking about with men, but also their friends and family. A lot of single women say that they’re lonely. Many of them have poor self-esteem. A lot of the married ones feel that their husbands are not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Or they feel they’re incomplete or they haven’t arrived in a certain area that they think they should be at a certain time.
WW: And what’s the common problem with finances?
TANICA: Everybody’s broke! (LOL)
WW: With everything that’s going on – society downfall, the economy, divorce rate is on the high, etc. I guess my question is, ‘Can a woman still win?”
TANICA: YES! Every morning that I wake up, though everyday is not always peaches & cream, I rest on the assurance that – GOD’S GOT IT! I don’t have to worry. He got it. Even though it might not be what I want it to look like or seem like I want it to seem, He got it. I trust and depend on Him totally. There is nothing else. I have a daughter who’s almost 20 and I’m also teaching her how to lean and depend. I don’t want to be a crutch to her. I want to be an inspiration. I want her to look at me and say, “You know what, my mama got through this and she got through this because of Jesus.” I want her to realize that Jesus is all she has too.
WW: So where do you get your encouragement from?
TANICA: The Word of God encourages me. Also my life’s connections with people I surround myself with. Another one of my biggest encouragements is having a mother that’s saved. And she encourages me on a daily basis. She’s not just my mother, but she’s my best friend, she’s my prayer partner… she fills a really big role in my life. She’s truly a blessing, because so many people are not blessed to have parents that are saved who are walking the same walk that they’re walking.
WW: What if a woman came to you today? She’s been down and out, she feels whipped and ready to quit. But she heard about the ‘Winning Woman’ Page and she wants to be a Winning Woman. Where does she start? What would you tell her?
TANICA: That would totally depend on who the woman is and what my spirit guides me to do. Because in some situations when a woman approaches you, you can’t just pour. Sometimes they just want that listening ear. Sometimes they just want you to pray for them. Sometimes they just want a hug. It just depends on how this woman approaches me. Is this woman saved? Is this woman not saved? So it will totally depend on how the Holy Spirit directs me.
WW: Besides running the ‘Winning Woman’ pages through Social Network, you also created a local group called ‘Ladies Loving Life’ within your community. What is that all about?
TANICA: ‘Ladies Loving Life’ is a vision that was planted inside of me. I knew where I was 10 or 15 years ago. I know the different levels I went through. I wanted to bring a group of women together with different backgrounds and different things going on in their life, to let them know that “You’re not going through this by yourself. Somebody else is either going through it or gone through it.” We can lean on each other. I’m trying to build a community of females that can lift each other up, because so many of us are hurting. You often just take yourself and put yourself in a cocoon, because you don’t want to tell someone else your story. You fear they’re going to tell somebody else. But even when we come together: if you only attach to one person, that’s one person in your life that you didn’t have before.
WW: I heard that you’re also putting together a Women’s Conference for your local church. Tell us about that.
TANICA: I’m doing a Women’s Conference titled “Responding to Life’s Situations”. It’s a 3-day event that will elevate you in the areas of spirituality, health, finances, and relationships. Because in today’s society, these are the main things that are affecting women today. This will take place August 5-7, 2011
WW: When it’s all said and done, what do you want people to say about Tanica L. Morant?
TANICA: That I gave it my all. My main focus was to please God. To be a light that shines so much that I don’t have to verbally express out of my mouth what my beliefs are, who I trust in, you just know it. Just my presence itself will let you know that God is first in my life. No matter what I touch, I just want you to see Him; through all of my actions; no matter what I do; through all of the conversations; my work; whatever I do, I just want His Light to shine.
~ Tanica L. Morant is a mother, teacher, Hair Stylist, and Winning Woman Administrator. She's the creator and owner of 'Ladies Loving Life'. You can connect with Tanica by joining the Winning Woman's Page on facebook -

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Neely Terrell
I wish you could hear what I’m hearing. It goes deeper than music. This harmony touches your soul. These sounds come from a Winning Woman holding an extravagant guitar. When her fingers connect with the strings, they produce a soulful sound that defines dynamic. When she adds her melodic voice to it, you experience what true beauty sounds like. She is the symbol of ‘uniqueness’. She is the sign for ‘distinction’. She has a gift of making memories, because once you meet her, she sticks, and you’ll never forget her. I’m talking about Winning Woman Neely Terrell. This Atlanta, GA native is also an administrator for the Winning Woman’s page on facebook. We contacted Neely in Buffalo, New York to share her life with the world.
WW: Hello Neely. We are honored to have this interview with you. Please share with us, ‘What makes you a Winning Woman?’
NEELY: I know my worth. I know that if God is for me, no one can be against me. I know that if I continue to remain positive, I will definitely win, no matter the circumstance. I am a winning woman because I am full of determination and perseverance and have witnessed my surroundings change in good ways because of these traits. Others notice what I have done and are proud of me. The Bible says that we will be known by our “fruit.” Well, my fruit is delicious. It’s not rotten or bruised. It’s nearly perfect.
WW: Neely, you are most definitely known by your fruits. One thing we noticed about you is that you have 'many' fruits. You have many talents. You write. You sing. You mentor. You bless others in many ways. What do you like to do the most? What's your passion? What's your purpose? What do you think that God has you here for?
NEELY: I love to make people smile the most. To be honest, I get such a wonderful feeling after I have made someone smile or feel relieved from my advice. I love to interact with others and I can communicate with anyone. So, communication is my passion.
My purpose in life is to shine my light so that others can also see the way. I am to be like Christ, as we all are, and show others Him through my accomplishments and optimism. God has me here to keep people smiling and encouraged when thinking of Him. I'm extremely optimistic and I love to make others laugh. He wants me to show people that He is a happy and loving God...and anyone or anything involving Him possesses joy.
WW: You know, there's someone who's reading this interview right now who may need to smile. They may feel frustrated and need encouragement. They may be on the brink of giving up. But God has lead them to read this interview right now at this very moment. What do you have to say to them?
NEELY: Get to know who YOU are as a woman. As women, we cannot help but want to nurture others; whether it is a man, our family, or friends. We forget about our own well-being many times, which is undoubtedly detrimental to our physical, mental, and spiritual health. We should never get to a point to where we are too busy to spend time with our own selves! When you are able to spend time alone, you are able to strengthen your self worth. More importantly, the Lord is able to strengthen your spirituality. And once that's strengthened, everything else will follow. It starts with you spending time with YOU, first, though.
WW: That is great advice Neely! That's what we love about you. You're always willing to share your thoughts. Often times, you share your thoughts in writing, whether it's through books, blogs, social media, etc. Can you share with us your book projects and any other writing projects you're working on?
NEELY: Currently, a new book,SUPER SINGLES, ACTIVATE! Testimonies to Inspire and Uplift the Single Woman, is under review. It is a compilation of stories from single, Christian women who were willing to tell their stories about love, life, and God's grace. It is my first co-edited book. The other editor, Alexis "Fly" Jones, partnered with me in this project and it has been an awesome experience. It is available on
My other book, thebrownorange: My Life in Chapters and Chunks, is my memoir. That will be available later in the year. I have put that book to the side to complete working on the Super Singles book (as it was a one-year project). Once my memoir is complete, I will have a total of 3 book projects under my belt. How exciting!
WW: Yes, Neely that sounds exciting. 'Super Singles, Activate!', I can't wait. Your first book was about singles also right? You seem to be an answer for those who are struggling with being single. Throughout your experience counseling singles, what are some of the biggest challenges that they face?
NEELY: Thank you. Most singles struggle with knowing their worth, how to love themselves, and not knowing how to be alone. They tend to settle for less than the best in relationships. They can't answer how they feel about their own selves, but they want someone else to fill their voids. These are the women that my heart goes out to because I truly understand. I was there, so I want to help them.
WW: That is awesome that you're helping them, because there are many women struggling with loneliness. Is it important for these women to become complete and whole within themselves before they start a relationship?
NEELY: Oh most definitely! Now, I am not sure if we will ever be able to be complete in ourselves. But as long as we depend on God we can constantly work toward completion. Some people would rather someone or something else fill in the gaps.
WW: When it's all said and done, what do you want people to remember about you? What will they say about Neely Terrell?
NEELY: Well, I would love for people to remember my passion for motivating others in various ways. Whether through YouTube videos, blogs, web posts, or verbal communication, I want them to remember that I wanted to encourage others to have a zest for life. I want them to keep in mind that I do not have joy and peace from my own doing but that of God's.
~ Neely Terrell is an Author, Editor, and School Librarian who has a passion for encouraging others. You can contact Neely on facebook.
WW: Hello Neely. We are honored to have this interview with you. Please share with us, ‘What makes you a Winning Woman?’
NEELY: I know my worth. I know that if God is for me, no one can be against me. I know that if I continue to remain positive, I will definitely win, no matter the circumstance. I am a winning woman because I am full of determination and perseverance and have witnessed my surroundings change in good ways because of these traits. Others notice what I have done and are proud of me. The Bible says that we will be known by our “fruit.” Well, my fruit is delicious. It’s not rotten or bruised. It’s nearly perfect.
WW: Neely, you are most definitely known by your fruits. One thing we noticed about you is that you have 'many' fruits. You have many talents. You write. You sing. You mentor. You bless others in many ways. What do you like to do the most? What's your passion? What's your purpose? What do you think that God has you here for?
NEELY: I love to make people smile the most. To be honest, I get such a wonderful feeling after I have made someone smile or feel relieved from my advice. I love to interact with others and I can communicate with anyone. So, communication is my passion.
My purpose in life is to shine my light so that others can also see the way. I am to be like Christ, as we all are, and show others Him through my accomplishments and optimism. God has me here to keep people smiling and encouraged when thinking of Him. I'm extremely optimistic and I love to make others laugh. He wants me to show people that He is a happy and loving God...and anyone or anything involving Him possesses joy.
WW: You know, there's someone who's reading this interview right now who may need to smile. They may feel frustrated and need encouragement. They may be on the brink of giving up. But God has lead them to read this interview right now at this very moment. What do you have to say to them?
NEELY: Get to know who YOU are as a woman. As women, we cannot help but want to nurture others; whether it is a man, our family, or friends. We forget about our own well-being many times, which is undoubtedly detrimental to our physical, mental, and spiritual health. We should never get to a point to where we are too busy to spend time with our own selves! When you are able to spend time alone, you are able to strengthen your self worth. More importantly, the Lord is able to strengthen your spirituality. And once that's strengthened, everything else will follow. It starts with you spending time with YOU, first, though.
WW: That is great advice Neely! That's what we love about you. You're always willing to share your thoughts. Often times, you share your thoughts in writing, whether it's through books, blogs, social media, etc. Can you share with us your book projects and any other writing projects you're working on?
NEELY: Currently, a new book,SUPER SINGLES, ACTIVATE! Testimonies to Inspire and Uplift the Single Woman, is under review. It is a compilation of stories from single, Christian women who were willing to tell their stories about love, life, and God's grace. It is my first co-edited book. The other editor, Alexis "Fly" Jones, partnered with me in this project and it has been an awesome experience. It is available on
My other book, thebrownorange: My Life in Chapters and Chunks, is my memoir. That will be available later in the year. I have put that book to the side to complete working on the Super Singles book (as it was a one-year project). Once my memoir is complete, I will have a total of 3 book projects under my belt. How exciting!
WW: Yes, Neely that sounds exciting. 'Super Singles, Activate!', I can't wait. Your first book was about singles also right? You seem to be an answer for those who are struggling with being single. Throughout your experience counseling singles, what are some of the biggest challenges that they face?
NEELY: Thank you. Most singles struggle with knowing their worth, how to love themselves, and not knowing how to be alone. They tend to settle for less than the best in relationships. They can't answer how they feel about their own selves, but they want someone else to fill their voids. These are the women that my heart goes out to because I truly understand. I was there, so I want to help them.
WW: That is awesome that you're helping them, because there are many women struggling with loneliness. Is it important for these women to become complete and whole within themselves before they start a relationship?
NEELY: Oh most definitely! Now, I am not sure if we will ever be able to be complete in ourselves. But as long as we depend on God we can constantly work toward completion. Some people would rather someone or something else fill in the gaps.
WW: When it's all said and done, what do you want people to remember about you? What will they say about Neely Terrell?
NEELY: Well, I would love for people to remember my passion for motivating others in various ways. Whether through YouTube videos, blogs, web posts, or verbal communication, I want them to remember that I wanted to encourage others to have a zest for life. I want them to keep in mind that I do not have joy and peace from my own doing but that of God's.
~ Neely Terrell is an Author, Editor, and School Librarian who has a passion for encouraging others. You can contact Neely on facebook.

Monday, April 4, 2011
You have so much potential to do even greater things. The more you trust God and know Him, the more you will grow in Christ. As time passes, He manifests what He has implanted in you to overcome various obstacles and reach your dreams victoriously. Worship Him now (in advance). You are in training, not only to succeed for yourself. But more importantly, to be a blessing to others you will meet on life's unpredictable journey with your testimonies from life's various tests. There's is more in store for you. Hang in there!
In life, you start out as a seed; then become vine-like; and then you grow stronger and stronger becoming a tall tree with many leaves and branches that represent all your talents and gifts. Some of them you can see and some that are still waiting to blossom. Even though people can try to pick your leaves, God gives you more and you are still standing. People are constantly leaning on you for strength in times when they are weak, but you are still standing. All types of storms come in your life... But you are still standing!
Hold your head up and stand strong as a Winning Woman of God! You are royalty! You are not anything negative others may try to say about you! You are child of God!
Obedience and honoring God's words should always be your focus. Not what the nay-sayer's say about you. Let those negative words and thoughts keep rolling pass you in the wind. Just say, "I shall trust God!" Then do something they don't expect. Tell them (with a big smile), "God Bless You." :-)
You are still worthy of the blessings God has in store for you! You are amazing! You are smart! You are beautiful! You are gifted! You are strong and NO weapon formed against you shall prosper!
Because most of all... you are a child of the King!
You have an amazing inheritance! AMEN!
Keep moving by Faith, because God is not finished with you yet!
You have not crossed the finish line in the accomplishment of all your dreams! Keep moving forward into your divine destiny!
Trust God! Pray & Obey!
The best is yet to come! AMEN!
Peace & Blessings!
~ Carolyn Gamble is a Motivational & Inspirational Speaker, Empowerment Coach, and Missionary. You can reach her by email, or on facebook.
(PS: Dear Lord, please bless each person reading this to not give up on their dreams and to always trust You! AMEN!;)
In life, you start out as a seed; then become vine-like; and then you grow stronger and stronger becoming a tall tree with many leaves and branches that represent all your talents and gifts. Some of them you can see and some that are still waiting to blossom. Even though people can try to pick your leaves, God gives you more and you are still standing. People are constantly leaning on you for strength in times when they are weak, but you are still standing. All types of storms come in your life... But you are still standing!
Hold your head up and stand strong as a Winning Woman of God! You are royalty! You are not anything negative others may try to say about you! You are child of God!
Obedience and honoring God's words should always be your focus. Not what the nay-sayer's say about you. Let those negative words and thoughts keep rolling pass you in the wind. Just say, "I shall trust God!" Then do something they don't expect. Tell them (with a big smile), "God Bless You." :-)
You are still worthy of the blessings God has in store for you! You are amazing! You are smart! You are beautiful! You are gifted! You are strong and NO weapon formed against you shall prosper!
Because most of all... you are a child of the King!
You have an amazing inheritance! AMEN!
Keep moving by Faith, because God is not finished with you yet!
You have not crossed the finish line in the accomplishment of all your dreams! Keep moving forward into your divine destiny!
Trust God! Pray & Obey!
The best is yet to come! AMEN!
Peace & Blessings!
~ Carolyn Gamble is a Motivational & Inspirational Speaker, Empowerment Coach, and Missionary. You can reach her by email, or on facebook.
(PS: Dear Lord, please bless each person reading this to not give up on their dreams and to always trust You! AMEN!;)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Stacy Emeri "Personal Development Expert"
She just finished Graduate School. She has one of the most motivational blog talk radio shows on the web. She’s a single mother. She’s a personal development coach. She’s being mentored by the best. She’s also one of the administrators for the Winning Woman's Page on facebook. We’re talking about the one and only Stacy Emeri. We finally caught up with her in Atlanta. As busy as she is with pursuing her vision and goals, you’d think she would look exhausted. However, she stands at 5’3”, with a smile on her face that will scare off any negativity. As she makes time for herself sipping on a Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks, we couldn’t wait to pick her brain.
WW: Stacy Emeri, we are excited to have you featured on the Winning Woman Profile. You are truly a symbol for what a Winning Woman is. What makes Stacy Emeri a Winning Woman?
STACY: What makes me a Winning Woman is my ability and willingness to endure every challenge that is presented before me. Although I have stumbled and even fallen several times in my life, I refuse to give up and continue to press towards the mark because I acknowledge and yield to the assignment and calling on my life- that is to transform the hearts and minds of others. Many times we become overwhelmed, frustrated, and even depressed with of our experiences and circumstances, and we’re unable to fully understand why we’re going through such challenging times. It has been through my most difficult experiences that I’ve been able to discover my strength, gifts, talents and abilities. Instead of trying to figure out all of the “why’s” and “how’s” of life, I’ve decided to trust God and allow Him to direct my path. I once read that it is not our responsibility to determine our destiny as our life’s paths are already destined; however, it is our responsibility to discover what that destiny actually is and to fulfill it. With that being said, our primary responsibility is to walk by faith, operate in love, be deliberate in our actions and live our lives on purpose; that is, the purpose that God has ordained for our lives. There is no need to worry about every detail as long as you trust in God and believe the promises He’s made for your life. Every woman that comes to this realization is indeed a Winning Woman and I salute those of you that are willing to yield to His plan while staying committed to pursuing your goals, living out your dreams, and fulfilling your purpose.
WW: Wow, this is one of the main reasons why we chose you for this interview - for answers like that. Your very presence is filled with inspiration and motivation. Stacy, you are also known as the 'Personal Development Expert'. How did you get that title?
STACY: Honestly, I'm not sure how or when I was given the title of 'Personal Development Expert', but it sure does sound good, LOL! I believe the title stems from the fact that I am very committed to personal development and the mental uplifting of others. Like most, I have struggled with various issues such as low self esteem, insecurity and lack of confidence in the past, while still desiring to grow beyond my circumstances. It's very conflicting to feel like you are being bound by your circumstances and experiences, yet still feel like you're not capable or powerful enough to transcend your own self defeating thoughts and emotions that prevent you from living the life you desire. As a result of my own frustration, depression, and perceived lack of success, I started to devote myself to reading motivational articles, self help books, metaphysical novels, and the utilization of positive affirmations to improve my level of confidence. To be honest with you, overcoming low self esteem and confidence issues is no easy feat. One must be diligent in overcoming this giant, and committed to incorporating those activities and exercises that promote a positive mental image of oneself. Over time, these activities became a part of my daily habits and life, and I found myself uplifting others as I grew throughout the process. My lifestyle has become one that consists of success habits and activities that promote mental growth, clarity, and success consciousness.
WW: Wow! We love your energy. What keeps you so motivated?
STACY: What keeps me motivated is my faith and desire to help others grow and succeed in every area of their lives. Whether it's spiritual, mental, financial or physical growth, I believe that a positive attitude, faith and confidence in self can empower an individual to break through barriers and experience victories on every level. I'm motivated by the thought that I can make a difference in someone's life. I'm encouraged by the fact that God can use me to be a blessing to others despite all my flaws and imperfections. Whether it's through my writing or speaking, I believe that my testimony as well as my passion to see others succeed equips me with the strength and determination I need to purposely pursue my vision and fulfill the assignment for my life. We all have different assignments and callings on our lives; however, a lack of faith, lack of confidence and the unwillingness to yield to the plan for our lives leads to frustration, negativity and even a feeling of worthlessness.Faith allows us to realize our greatest potential and achieve our greatest victories.
I’m also motivated and inspired by those that have been brought into my life by divine connection. As your way of thinking evolves, so will your circle of influence. As I’ve continued to grow over the years, I have seen my sphere of influence evolve into one that is dynamic and powerful beyond measure. I am so thankful to individuals like Billie Miller, Dr. Ayo Kedar, Nicole S. Cooper, LaShae Primus, Jackie Hernandez and my best friend Chris Gloss "The Possibilitarian" for keeping me encouraged, motivated, and determined to win by feeding into my vision and lifting me up when necessary. Each of them (in addition to several others) have been instrumental in both my personal and professional growth and have contributed to my many successes. Once we make the decision to embrace God’s plan for our lives, He will align us with those individuals necessary to stretch our vision, strengthen our resolve and keep us grounded in order that His will be manifested in our lives.
WW: You mentioned that you devoted yourself to reading books and other helpful resources. Can you share with us some of your favorite books and/or other resources that have changed your life? (ex. CD's, DVD's, Articles, etc.).
STACY: Sure! When I first started my journey in the area of self development I knew it was important for me to take “baby steps” and choose books that I could understand. It’s important not to overwhelm yourself by beginning your personal development program with books and material that will overwhelm or totally confuse you. This approach will be ineffective as you will not be able to comprehend or retain the information your reading. I started off with a very small, yet powerful novel- the abridged version of “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, entitled “As a Woman Thinketh”, transcribed for women by Dorothy Hulst. This book changed my life as it introduced me to the whole concept of “success consciousness” and the power of thought.
I also started to listen to different CD’s on the power of words and how to use positive affirmations to obtain desired results in your life.
Once affirmations became an integral part of my daily activities, I was introduced to “The Complete Works of H. Emily Cady”. Her first book, “Lessons in Truth” helped me to understand how our thoughts can either give us liberty or keep us in bondage. I also learned how imperative it is to seek spiritual guidance and direction as you embark upon this journey of self discovery and personal development.
Some of my other favorites are “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker, and “The Power of Awareness” by Neville. I would also encourage everyone to subscribe to different websites to obtain daily/weekly/monthly newsletters in the areas of positive thinking and spiritual growth.
WW: There are some women who are reading this interview who may feel discouraged. They're facing many challenges and they're ready to quit. They're ready to throw in the towel and just give up. What do you have to say to them?
STACY: I would first tell them that I understand and can empathize with them. Just like most, I have suffered times of great depression, set back and hurt; however, I made it through those dark times and overcame every trial that presented itself in my life. As cliché as it sounds, we just need to know when to "let go and let GOD". As challenging as it has been for me, I have had to learn to submit and yield to God’s will instead of trying to create my own. Many may say this is much easier said than done, and I would agree that they are right. Despite how difficult it may be, it can and must be done. The weight of the world is too much for any one individual to carry on his/her own shoulders, but we can thank God that our Savior did it for us…the hard part is already done. Once we recognize this, we understand that the victory is already ours. It doesn’t matter how bad our situation may seem, the battle has already been won! I encourage anyone that is going through a difficult time right now to release your sense of control over the situation, and line your will up with the will of God. Fasting and meditation has worked for me in times of confusion or just when I needed some answers. Whichever path you choose, just make the commitment to choose the path of Victory and allow Christ to be your Guide. Trust Him…He will deliver you from your circumstance.
WW: You are the host and creator of the popular blog talk radio show called "Mindshift Talk Radio". But for those who have never heard of the show, share with us how you came up with the idea and the purpose for the show?
STACY: With the support and encouragement of Billie Miller and Dr. Ayo Kedar, I decided to create "Mindshift Talk Radio" after I realized the positive impact that was being made on the hearts and minds of my listeners on my previous project, "Heart to Heart w/ Stacy Emeri. Through that project I learned that there are many that desire a forum that allows them to express their thoughts and concerns in a constructive manner, while providing them with the insight, inspiration and motivation they needed to overcome life’s trials and win in every arena. The purpose of this show is to empower, motivate and inspire our listeners to renew their minds, elevate their way of thinking, and win in every area of their lives. We encourage open and honest communication about real issues affecting real people on a daily basis while sharing our various perspectives. The versatility and depth of this cast allows for well rounded and solution-based discussions that will positively impact our listeners. Our mission is to educate our listeners and sow seeds of encouragement, confidence and hope in their lives while sharpening their vision of success and victory.
WW: 5 years from now...Who is Stacy Emeri? Describe her.
STACY: You know, most people would ask in an interview, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?", but this question speaks directly to who I AM in 5 years... I love it!
In 5 years, Stacy Emeri is a successful, influential, confident, and virtuous woman of character and integrity. She works tirelessly to bless the hearts, lives and minds of many as she yields to and submits to the divine plan and purpose for her life, all for the Glory of God. She operates in holy boldness, transparency, and humility while encouraging, motivating and inspiring others to live a purposeful life of love, victory and success. She leads by example, is determined to win in every area of her life, trusting in God for her guidance and direction and continually striving to live a blessed life, equally measurable to that of the Proverbs 31 woman. Stacy Emeri is living a life of peace, operating in love, experiencing great joy and victories, and excited about the opportunities and lessons that each day holds. She truly is enjoying her title as a Winning Woman!
~ Stacy Emeri is a "Personal Development Expert" whose passion is encouraging and empowering others to reach new heights of success in every area of their lives! You can reach Stacy on facebook or email her at
WW: Stacy Emeri, we are excited to have you featured on the Winning Woman Profile. You are truly a symbol for what a Winning Woman is. What makes Stacy Emeri a Winning Woman?
STACY: What makes me a Winning Woman is my ability and willingness to endure every challenge that is presented before me. Although I have stumbled and even fallen several times in my life, I refuse to give up and continue to press towards the mark because I acknowledge and yield to the assignment and calling on my life- that is to transform the hearts and minds of others. Many times we become overwhelmed, frustrated, and even depressed with of our experiences and circumstances, and we’re unable to fully understand why we’re going through such challenging times. It has been through my most difficult experiences that I’ve been able to discover my strength, gifts, talents and abilities. Instead of trying to figure out all of the “why’s” and “how’s” of life, I’ve decided to trust God and allow Him to direct my path. I once read that it is not our responsibility to determine our destiny as our life’s paths are already destined; however, it is our responsibility to discover what that destiny actually is and to fulfill it. With that being said, our primary responsibility is to walk by faith, operate in love, be deliberate in our actions and live our lives on purpose; that is, the purpose that God has ordained for our lives. There is no need to worry about every detail as long as you trust in God and believe the promises He’s made for your life. Every woman that comes to this realization is indeed a Winning Woman and I salute those of you that are willing to yield to His plan while staying committed to pursuing your goals, living out your dreams, and fulfilling your purpose.
WW: Wow, this is one of the main reasons why we chose you for this interview - for answers like that. Your very presence is filled with inspiration and motivation. Stacy, you are also known as the 'Personal Development Expert'. How did you get that title?
STACY: Honestly, I'm not sure how or when I was given the title of 'Personal Development Expert', but it sure does sound good, LOL! I believe the title stems from the fact that I am very committed to personal development and the mental uplifting of others. Like most, I have struggled with various issues such as low self esteem, insecurity and lack of confidence in the past, while still desiring to grow beyond my circumstances. It's very conflicting to feel like you are being bound by your circumstances and experiences, yet still feel like you're not capable or powerful enough to transcend your own self defeating thoughts and emotions that prevent you from living the life you desire. As a result of my own frustration, depression, and perceived lack of success, I started to devote myself to reading motivational articles, self help books, metaphysical novels, and the utilization of positive affirmations to improve my level of confidence. To be honest with you, overcoming low self esteem and confidence issues is no easy feat. One must be diligent in overcoming this giant, and committed to incorporating those activities and exercises that promote a positive mental image of oneself. Over time, these activities became a part of my daily habits and life, and I found myself uplifting others as I grew throughout the process. My lifestyle has become one that consists of success habits and activities that promote mental growth, clarity, and success consciousness.
WW: Wow! We love your energy. What keeps you so motivated?
STACY: What keeps me motivated is my faith and desire to help others grow and succeed in every area of their lives. Whether it's spiritual, mental, financial or physical growth, I believe that a positive attitude, faith and confidence in self can empower an individual to break through barriers and experience victories on every level. I'm motivated by the thought that I can make a difference in someone's life. I'm encouraged by the fact that God can use me to be a blessing to others despite all my flaws and imperfections. Whether it's through my writing or speaking, I believe that my testimony as well as my passion to see others succeed equips me with the strength and determination I need to purposely pursue my vision and fulfill the assignment for my life. We all have different assignments and callings on our lives; however, a lack of faith, lack of confidence and the unwillingness to yield to the plan for our lives leads to frustration, negativity and even a feeling of worthlessness.Faith allows us to realize our greatest potential and achieve our greatest victories.
I’m also motivated and inspired by those that have been brought into my life by divine connection. As your way of thinking evolves, so will your circle of influence. As I’ve continued to grow over the years, I have seen my sphere of influence evolve into one that is dynamic and powerful beyond measure. I am so thankful to individuals like Billie Miller, Dr. Ayo Kedar, Nicole S. Cooper, LaShae Primus, Jackie Hernandez and my best friend Chris Gloss "The Possibilitarian" for keeping me encouraged, motivated, and determined to win by feeding into my vision and lifting me up when necessary. Each of them (in addition to several others) have been instrumental in both my personal and professional growth and have contributed to my many successes. Once we make the decision to embrace God’s plan for our lives, He will align us with those individuals necessary to stretch our vision, strengthen our resolve and keep us grounded in order that His will be manifested in our lives.
WW: You mentioned that you devoted yourself to reading books and other helpful resources. Can you share with us some of your favorite books and/or other resources that have changed your life? (ex. CD's, DVD's, Articles, etc.).
STACY: Sure! When I first started my journey in the area of self development I knew it was important for me to take “baby steps” and choose books that I could understand. It’s important not to overwhelm yourself by beginning your personal development program with books and material that will overwhelm or totally confuse you. This approach will be ineffective as you will not be able to comprehend or retain the information your reading. I started off with a very small, yet powerful novel- the abridged version of “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, entitled “As a Woman Thinketh”, transcribed for women by Dorothy Hulst. This book changed my life as it introduced me to the whole concept of “success consciousness” and the power of thought.
I also started to listen to different CD’s on the power of words and how to use positive affirmations to obtain desired results in your life.
Once affirmations became an integral part of my daily activities, I was introduced to “The Complete Works of H. Emily Cady”. Her first book, “Lessons in Truth” helped me to understand how our thoughts can either give us liberty or keep us in bondage. I also learned how imperative it is to seek spiritual guidance and direction as you embark upon this journey of self discovery and personal development.
Some of my other favorites are “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker, and “The Power of Awareness” by Neville. I would also encourage everyone to subscribe to different websites to obtain daily/weekly/monthly newsletters in the areas of positive thinking and spiritual growth.
WW: There are some women who are reading this interview who may feel discouraged. They're facing many challenges and they're ready to quit. They're ready to throw in the towel and just give up. What do you have to say to them?
STACY: I would first tell them that I understand and can empathize with them. Just like most, I have suffered times of great depression, set back and hurt; however, I made it through those dark times and overcame every trial that presented itself in my life. As cliché as it sounds, we just need to know when to "let go and let GOD". As challenging as it has been for me, I have had to learn to submit and yield to God’s will instead of trying to create my own. Many may say this is much easier said than done, and I would agree that they are right. Despite how difficult it may be, it can and must be done. The weight of the world is too much for any one individual to carry on his/her own shoulders, but we can thank God that our Savior did it for us…the hard part is already done. Once we recognize this, we understand that the victory is already ours. It doesn’t matter how bad our situation may seem, the battle has already been won! I encourage anyone that is going through a difficult time right now to release your sense of control over the situation, and line your will up with the will of God. Fasting and meditation has worked for me in times of confusion or just when I needed some answers. Whichever path you choose, just make the commitment to choose the path of Victory and allow Christ to be your Guide. Trust Him…He will deliver you from your circumstance.
WW: You are the host and creator of the popular blog talk radio show called "Mindshift Talk Radio". But for those who have never heard of the show, share with us how you came up with the idea and the purpose for the show?
STACY: With the support and encouragement of Billie Miller and Dr. Ayo Kedar, I decided to create "Mindshift Talk Radio" after I realized the positive impact that was being made on the hearts and minds of my listeners on my previous project, "Heart to Heart w/ Stacy Emeri. Through that project I learned that there are many that desire a forum that allows them to express their thoughts and concerns in a constructive manner, while providing them with the insight, inspiration and motivation they needed to overcome life’s trials and win in every arena. The purpose of this show is to empower, motivate and inspire our listeners to renew their minds, elevate their way of thinking, and win in every area of their lives. We encourage open and honest communication about real issues affecting real people on a daily basis while sharing our various perspectives. The versatility and depth of this cast allows for well rounded and solution-based discussions that will positively impact our listeners. Our mission is to educate our listeners and sow seeds of encouragement, confidence and hope in their lives while sharpening their vision of success and victory.
WW: 5 years from now...Who is Stacy Emeri? Describe her.
STACY: You know, most people would ask in an interview, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?", but this question speaks directly to who I AM in 5 years... I love it!
In 5 years, Stacy Emeri is a successful, influential, confident, and virtuous woman of character and integrity. She works tirelessly to bless the hearts, lives and minds of many as she yields to and submits to the divine plan and purpose for her life, all for the Glory of God. She operates in holy boldness, transparency, and humility while encouraging, motivating and inspiring others to live a purposeful life of love, victory and success. She leads by example, is determined to win in every area of her life, trusting in God for her guidance and direction and continually striving to live a blessed life, equally measurable to that of the Proverbs 31 woman. Stacy Emeri is living a life of peace, operating in love, experiencing great joy and victories, and excited about the opportunities and lessons that each day holds. She truly is enjoying her title as a Winning Woman!
~ Stacy Emeri is a "Personal Development Expert" whose passion is encouraging and empowering others to reach new heights of success in every area of their lives! You can reach Stacy on facebook or email her at

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Do you ever look at other women and compare yourself to them – compare what you have to what they have, or what you do to what they accomplish? I know I sometimes do, and every time I make that comparison I come up short. Either I’m not as pretty or not as smart, not as rich or not as popular, not as energetic or not as organized, not as creative or not as productive.
If you can relate, if you too often feel inadequate, then let me let you in on a freeing truth. God didn’t create us to live someone else’s life. He gave us each our own mission, and He’s gifted us uniquely for it.
When I keep my eyes on the Lord and His plans for my life, what others are doing or how well they are doing it becomes irrelevant. I don’t have to compete because there is no competition for the role of Rachel Olsen on this earth or in the Father’s heart.
There is no true competition for your role, either. You were specifically knitted together in your mother’s womb by God Himself with purpose and care (see Psalm 139:13). No one else has the exact same combination of personality traits, spiritual gifts, and life experiences as you. You are a one of a kind, and you have a mission only you can fulfill. Ephesians 2:10 says it this way:
I can say with confidence that no one else can be your parents’ daughter or your siblings’ sister. No one else can be your husband’s wife or your children’s mother. I believe there are specific roles for you to play in your church and in your community. You were destined for these roles – nobody can fill them like you!
While I don’t know the specific designs God has on your life, I know they are good and worth pursuing wholeheartedly. But you won’t discover them by envying other women or accepting their mission in place of your own. Ignore the competition. Better yet, be happy for their success! They are no threat to you. Just keep your eyes on the Lord and keep asking Him to bring about His good plans for you.
Next time you find yourself feeling competitive or envious of another woman, march right up to her and compliment her with all the gracious sincerity you can gather. When you walk away, whisper thanks to God that you don’t have to compete with anyone to have or be all that He intends for you.
~ Rachel Olsen is a National Women's Speaker and Author of "IT'S NO SECRET: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know". For more information visit
If you can relate, if you too often feel inadequate, then let me let you in on a freeing truth. God didn’t create us to live someone else’s life. He gave us each our own mission, and He’s gifted us uniquely for it.
When I keep my eyes on the Lord and His plans for my life, what others are doing or how well they are doing it becomes irrelevant. I don’t have to compete because there is no competition for the role of Rachel Olsen on this earth or in the Father’s heart.
There is no true competition for your role, either. You were specifically knitted together in your mother’s womb by God Himself with purpose and care (see Psalm 139:13). No one else has the exact same combination of personality traits, spiritual gifts, and life experiences as you. You are a one of a kind, and you have a mission only you can fulfill. Ephesians 2:10 says it this way:
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT
I can say with confidence that no one else can be your parents’ daughter or your siblings’ sister. No one else can be your husband’s wife or your children’s mother. I believe there are specific roles for you to play in your church and in your community. You were destined for these roles – nobody can fill them like you!
While I don’t know the specific designs God has on your life, I know they are good and worth pursuing wholeheartedly. But you won’t discover them by envying other women or accepting their mission in place of your own. Ignore the competition. Better yet, be happy for their success! They are no threat to you. Just keep your eyes on the Lord and keep asking Him to bring about His good plans for you.
“Dear Lord, I believe You have satisfying plans for my life and You’ve gifted me to accomplish them. I ask You to reveal them to me and bring them closer to completion. Convict me, Holy Spirit, when I begin to experience envy or feel the need to compete. Remind me not to compete with others, but to love them. In Jesus’ name. Amen."
Next time you find yourself feeling competitive or envious of another woman, march right up to her and compliment her with all the gracious sincerity you can gather. When you walk away, whisper thanks to God that you don’t have to compete with anyone to have or be all that He intends for you.
~ Rachel Olsen is a National Women's Speaker and Author of "IT'S NO SECRET: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know". For more information visit

Sunday, February 27, 2011
"You CAN!"
I’ve been reading Joyce Meyer’s NEW book “Power Thoughts". I think it’s a really great book. Many have joined me as I’ve been sharing principles in my “Billie Reads" BLOG. I’m up to Chapter 5 in the book which talks about Power Thought #1. Let me share with you some nuggets that you can chew on.
You can do whatever you need to do in Life through Christ. You must believe this regardless of what comes at you. The moment you say, “I could never do that!" that’s when satan says, “I got you!" But according to the above Scripture, you CAN win. You CAN live. God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say you’ll reach a destination. He never promised that you’ll enjoy the process, but He promised that you’ll enjoy Life. He never guaranteed that you wouldn’t fall, but He guarantees us strength to keep going.
God will not lead you to ‘impossibility’. It may be impossible before you get there. But once you arrive, God makes it possible.
Joyce Meyer goes on to say, “Miracles Come in Cans." Let me explain what she means by that. Many people are used to hearing others repeatedly tell them “You can't." People always tell you what you cannot do. Therefore, many people grow up thinking, “I can't" when that’s the farthest thing from the truth.
God believes that you CAN. I believe that you CAN. Now it’s time for you to start believing in yourself. Today is your day. Come into agreement and say, “I CAN!"
~ Article By Billie Miller To sign up to receive more of these inspirational articles please visit
To Get Your Personal Copy of 'Power Thoughts' By Joyce Meyer, GET IT BELOW FOR 41% OFF!
“I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].” Philippians 4:13 AMP
You can do whatever you need to do in Life through Christ. You must believe this regardless of what comes at you. The moment you say, “I could never do that!" that’s when satan says, “I got you!" But according to the above Scripture, you CAN win. You CAN live. God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say you’ll reach a destination. He never promised that you’ll enjoy the process, but He promised that you’ll enjoy Life. He never guaranteed that you wouldn’t fall, but He guarantees us strength to keep going.
“Nothing is too difficult for you if God is leading you to do it. God will not call you to do anything He will not enable and empower you to do.” ~ Joyce Meyer
God will not lead you to ‘impossibility’. It may be impossible before you get there. But once you arrive, God makes it possible.
Jesus replied, "Why do you say `if you can'? Anything is possible for someone who has faith!" Mark 9:23 CEV
Joyce Meyer goes on to say, “Miracles Come in Cans." Let me explain what she means by that. Many people are used to hearing others repeatedly tell them “You can't." People always tell you what you cannot do. Therefore, many people grow up thinking, “I can't" when that’s the farthest thing from the truth.
“No matter how many times you have heard someone say to you, ‘You can’t,’ I want to say to you, ‘Oh, yes, you can!’ I believe that miracles come in cans – our belief that we can do whatever we need to do through Christ Who is our strength.”
~ Joyce Meyer
God believes that you CAN. I believe that you CAN. Now it’s time for you to start believing in yourself. Today is your day. Come into agreement and say, “I CAN!"
~ Article By Billie Miller To sign up to receive more of these inspirational articles please visit
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Sunday, February 20, 2011
How to Bounce Back after a Setback
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
When I first became a Christian, I thought all of my worldly sorrows would be over. Because I was new in the faith, I didn’t know that God allows adversity in our lives so we can grow and develop in Christ. In my naivete, I thought that any negative experience came from the devil. The truth is, sometimes it’s our own fault. Bad decisions, poor judgment, ignorance, or plain old selfishness will land us in a heap of trouble. I also learned that what satan intends for evil, God will use for good (Gen. 50:20).
The year 1993 was a bad one for our family. Our home went into foreclosure, our car was repossessed, and we were burdened financially. My husband’s business folded and my salary wasn’t enough to keep everything going, so we made the decision to let the house go. We had hit rock bottom, and it was a terrible feeling.
I dreaded going back to work, fearing questions about what had happened. Worse yet, because my job was so deadline oriented, I feared not being able to concentrate. But actually, work was a pleasant distraction – it kept my mind off what was going on at home. I wasn’t given the luxury of wallowing in self-pity or woulda-coulda-shouldas. I had two little boys depending on me for support. I had to get up, get dressed, and go to work every day.
What I learned during that time is that God is bigger than even the biggest troubles. The house and car were just material things, and although we were inconvenienced and uncomfortable, we got over those losses in time. We bought another house a few years later and have had a few cars since then. But I had changed spiritually. One of the Scriptures that resonated with me during that time was Matthew 5:45:
“For he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (KJV).
Christians aren’t exempt from hardship. There’s always going to be heartbreak, tragedy, or disappointment in this life. But we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus is there for us through the pain and suffering.
Just because you’re down doesn’t mean you’re out, and best of all, it doesn’t mean that your situation will last forever. If you’ve experienced a loss of any kind – material possessions, a relationship, or a job – know that God will be there to comfort you through the process of healing. He is a Replenisher, and whatever you’ve lost, He can restore. It’s His pleasure to bless us, and it’s our job to have faith.
“My God is bigger than any setback or problem I have. I will trust Him to deliver me from any painful situation.”
~ Carol Mackey is the author of Sistagirl Devotions which is a GREAT book for Winning Women. For More Information about Carol visit

Monday, February 14, 2011
What's Your Love Level?
What is your Love Level? You don’t know? Let me help you figure it out. Do you determine your value by what you get on Valentine’s Day? Do you feel unloved because nobody says, “I Love you”? Do you wish that someone would just appreciate you? Then I can tell you that your Love Level is ‘low’. But then again, it could be ‘medium’. Maybe it’s ‘high’. Actually it could be anywhere on the radar because you only received ‘conditional’ Love. When your Love Level is based on condition, it will always fluctuate. It will always move based on what you feel, see, or hear.
It’s not until you receive ‘unconditional’ Love from God that you’ll be able to give ‘unconditional’ Love to others. You can’t give what you don’t have. Max Lucado said, “Instructing people to Love without telling them they are Loved is like telling them to write a check without our making a deposit in their accounts. No wonder so many relationships are overdrawn. Hearts have insufficient Love.” It’s unconditional Love that keeps your Love Level high and makes it stay there. Why? Unconditional Love is not based on conditions. It’s based on a promise. Unconditional Love says, “I’ll Love you no matter the conditions.” Although we all like to hear “I Love you", unconditional Love is to be demonstrated rather than dictated (Romans 5:8). It is to be put into action rather than put into words.
~ Article By Billie Miller
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“Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is Love you. Keep company with Him and learn a life of Love. Observe how Christ Loved us. His Love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't Love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.” Ephesians 5:1-2 MSG
It’s not until you receive ‘unconditional’ Love from God that you’ll be able to give ‘unconditional’ Love to others. You can’t give what you don’t have. Max Lucado said, “Instructing people to Love without telling them they are Loved is like telling them to write a check without our making a deposit in their accounts. No wonder so many relationships are overdrawn. Hearts have insufficient Love.” It’s unconditional Love that keeps your Love Level high and makes it stay there. Why? Unconditional Love is not based on conditions. It’s based on a promise. Unconditional Love says, “I’ll Love you no matter the conditions.” Although we all like to hear “I Love you", unconditional Love is to be demonstrated rather than dictated (Romans 5:8). It is to be put into action rather than put into words.
“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we Love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.”Can we Love like this? With God’s help we can. Can our Love Level remain ‘high’? With God’s help we can. Can our Love make a difference? With God’s help, sure we can.
1 John 3:18 NLT
~ Article By Billie Miller
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Not them...YOU!
"You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words." Proverbs 18:21 Good News Translation
What you say and believe about yourself will determine how far you go in life. What others say and believe about you does not effect you...unless you receive it. If your success depended on what others believe and say about you, you would never accomplish anything. Quit making decisions based on what other people think - their opinions, their judments, their desires. Do what's in your heart regardless of how others feel.
"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does. That's what makes you a winner."
~ Venus Williams, Professional Tennis Champion
You need to understand the 18/40/60 Rule. Let me share it with you.
18/40/60 RULE:
At age 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you.
At age 40, you don't care what anybody thinks of you.
At age 60, you realize nobody's been thinking about you at all.
"Most of the time, nobody's thinking about you at all! They are too busy worrying about their own lives, and if they are thinking about you at all, they are wondering what you are thinking about them. People think about themselves, not you. Think about it - all the time you are wasting worrying about what other people think about your ideas, your goals, your clothes, your hair, and your home could all be better spent on thinking about and doing the things that will achieve your goals."
~ Jack Canfield
~ Article By Billie Miller
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