WW: Hello Neely. We are honored to have this interview with you. Please share with us, ‘What makes you a Winning Woman?’
NEELY: I know my worth. I know that if God is for me, no one can be against me. I know that if I continue to remain positive, I will definitely win, no matter the circumstance. I am a winning woman because I am full of determination and perseverance and have witnessed my surroundings change in good ways because of these traits. Others notice what I have done and are proud of me. The Bible says that we will be known by our “fruit.” Well, my fruit is delicious. It’s not rotten or bruised. It’s nearly perfect.
WW: Neely, you are most definitely known by your fruits. One thing we noticed about you is that you have 'many' fruits. You have many talents. You write. You sing. You mentor. You bless others in many ways. What do you like to do the most? What's your passion? What's your purpose? What do you think that God has you here for?
NEELY: I love to make people smile the most. To be honest, I get such a wonderful feeling after I have made someone smile or feel relieved from my advice. I love to interact with others and I can communicate with anyone. So, communication is my passion.
My purpose in life is to shine my light so that others can also see the way. I am to be like Christ, as we all are, and show others Him through my accomplishments and optimism. God has me here to keep people smiling and encouraged when thinking of Him. I'm extremely optimistic and I love to make others laugh. He wants me to show people that He is a happy and loving God...and anyone or anything involving Him possesses joy.
WW: You know, there's someone who's reading this interview right now who may need to smile. They may feel frustrated and need encouragement. They may be on the brink of giving up. But God has lead them to read this interview right now at this very moment. What do you have to say to them?
NEELY: Get to know who YOU are as a woman. As women, we cannot help but want to nurture others; whether it is a man, our family, or friends. We forget about our own well-being many times, which is undoubtedly detrimental to our physical, mental, and spiritual health. We should never get to a point to where we are too busy to spend time with our own selves! When you are able to spend time alone, you are able to strengthen your self worth. More importantly, the Lord is able to strengthen your spirituality. And once that's strengthened, everything else will follow. It starts with you spending time with YOU, first, though.
WW: That is great advice Neely! That's what we love about you. You're always willing to share your thoughts. Often times, you share your thoughts in writing, whether it's through books, blogs, social media, etc. Can you share with us your book projects and any other writing projects you're working on?
NEELY: Currently, a new book,SUPER SINGLES, ACTIVATE! Testimonies to Inspire and Uplift the Single Woman, is under review. It is a compilation of stories from single, Christian women who were willing to tell their stories about love, life, and God's grace. It is my first co-edited book. The other editor, Alexis "Fly" Jones, partnered with me in this project and it has been an awesome experience. It is available on amazon.com.
My other book, thebrownorange: My Life in Chapters and Chunks, is my memoir. That will be available later in the year. I have put that book to the side to complete working on the Super Singles book (as it was a one-year project). Once my memoir is complete, I will have a total of 3 book projects under my belt. How exciting!
WW: Yes, Neely that sounds exciting. 'Super Singles, Activate!', I can't wait. Your first book was about singles also right? You seem to be an answer for those who are struggling with being single. Throughout your experience counseling singles, what are some of the biggest challenges that they face?
NEELY: Thank you. Most singles struggle with knowing their worth, how to love themselves, and not knowing how to be alone. They tend to settle for less than the best in relationships. They can't answer how they feel about their own selves, but they want someone else to fill their voids. These are the women that my heart goes out to because I truly understand. I was there, so I want to help them.
WW: That is awesome that you're helping them, because there are many women struggling with loneliness. Is it important for these women to become complete and whole within themselves before they start a relationship?
NEELY: Oh most definitely! Now, I am not sure if we will ever be able to be complete in ourselves. But as long as we depend on God we can constantly work toward completion. Some people would rather someone or something else fill in the gaps.
WW: When it's all said and done, what do you want people to remember about you? What will they say about Neely Terrell?
NEELY: Well, I would love for people to remember my passion for motivating others in various ways. Whether through YouTube videos, blogs, web posts, or verbal communication, I want them to remember that I wanted to encourage others to have a zest for life. I want them to keep in mind that I do not have joy and peace from my own doing but that of God's.
~ Neely Terrell is an Author, Editor, and School Librarian who has a passion for encouraging others. You can contact Neely on facebook.

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