How to Bounce Back after a Setback
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
When I first became a Christian, I thought all of my worldly sorrows would be over. Because I was new in the faith, I didn’t know that God allows adversity in our lives so we can grow and develop in Christ. In my naivete, I thought that any negative experience came from the devil. The truth is, sometimes it’s our own fault. Bad decisions, poor judgment, ignorance, or plain old selfishness will land us in a heap of trouble. I also learned that what satan intends for evil, God will use for good (Gen. 50:20).
The year 1993 was a bad one for our family. Our home went into foreclosure, our car was repossessed, and we were burdened financially. My husband’s business folded and my salary wasn’t enough to keep everything going, so we made the decision to let the house go. We had hit rock bottom, and it was a terrible feeling.
I dreaded going back to work, fearing questions about what had happened. Worse yet, because my job was so deadline oriented, I feared not being able to concentrate. But actually, work was a pleasant distraction – it kept my mind off what was going on at home. I wasn’t given the luxury of wallowing in self-pity or woulda-coulda-shouldas. I had two little boys depending on me for support. I had to get up, get dressed, and go to work every day.
What I learned during that time is that God is bigger than even the biggest troubles. The house and car were just material things, and although we were inconvenienced and uncomfortable, we got over those losses in time. We bought another house a few years later and have had a few cars since then. But I had changed spiritually. One of the Scriptures that resonated with me during that time was Matthew 5:45:
“For he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (KJV).
Christians aren’t exempt from hardship. There’s always going to be heartbreak, tragedy, or disappointment in this life. But we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus is there for us through the pain and suffering.
Just because you’re down doesn’t mean you’re out, and best of all, it doesn’t mean that your situation will last forever. If you’ve experienced a loss of any kind – material possessions, a relationship, or a job – know that God will be there to comfort you through the process of healing. He is a Replenisher, and whatever you’ve lost, He can restore. It’s His pleasure to bless us, and it’s our job to have faith.
“My God is bigger than any setback or problem I have. I will trust Him to deliver me from any painful situation.”
~ Carol Mackey is the author of Sistagirl Devotions which is a GREAT book for Winning Women. For More Information about Carol visit

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