If you can relate, if you too often feel inadequate, then let me let you in on a freeing truth. God didn’t create us to live someone else’s life. He gave us each our own mission, and He’s gifted us uniquely for it.
When I keep my eyes on the Lord and His plans for my life, what others are doing or how well they are doing it becomes irrelevant. I don’t have to compete because there is no competition for the role of Rachel Olsen on this earth or in the Father’s heart.
There is no true competition for your role, either. You were specifically knitted together in your mother’s womb by God Himself with purpose and care (see Psalm 139:13). No one else has the exact same combination of personality traits, spiritual gifts, and life experiences as you. You are a one of a kind, and you have a mission only you can fulfill. Ephesians 2:10 says it this way:
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT
I can say with confidence that no one else can be your parents’ daughter or your siblings’ sister. No one else can be your husband’s wife or your children’s mother. I believe there are specific roles for you to play in your church and in your community. You were destined for these roles – nobody can fill them like you!
While I don’t know the specific designs God has on your life, I know they are good and worth pursuing wholeheartedly. But you won’t discover them by envying other women or accepting their mission in place of your own. Ignore the competition. Better yet, be happy for their success! They are no threat to you. Just keep your eyes on the Lord and keep asking Him to bring about His good plans for you.
“Dear Lord, I believe You have satisfying plans for my life and You’ve gifted me to accomplish them. I ask You to reveal them to me and bring them closer to completion. Convict me, Holy Spirit, when I begin to experience envy or feel the need to compete. Remind me not to compete with others, but to love them. In Jesus’ name. Amen."
Next time you find yourself feeling competitive or envious of another woman, march right up to her and compliment her with all the gracious sincerity you can gather. When you walk away, whisper thanks to God that you don’t have to compete with anyone to have or be all that He intends for you.
~ Rachel Olsen is a National Women's Speaker and Author of "IT'S NO SECRET: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know". For more information visit www.RachelOlsen.com

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