Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stacy Emeri "Personal Development Expert"

She just finished Graduate School. She has one of the most motivational blog talk radio shows on the web. She’s a single mother. She’s a personal development coach. She’s being mentored by the best. She’s also one of the administrators for the Winning Woman's Page on facebook. We’re talking about the one and only Stacy Emeri. We finally caught up with her in Atlanta. As busy as she is with pursuing her vision and goals, you’d think she would look exhausted. However, she stands at 5’3”, with a smile on her face that will scare off any negativity. As she makes time for herself sipping on a Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks, we couldn’t wait to pick her brain.

WW: Stacy Emeri, we are excited to have you featured on the Winning Woman Profile. You are truly a symbol for what a Winning Woman is. What makes Stacy Emeri a Winning Woman?

STACY: What makes me a Winning Woman is my ability and willingness to endure every challenge that is presented before me. Although I have stumbled and even fallen several times in my life, I refuse to give up and continue to press towards the mark because I acknowledge and yield to the assignment and calling on my life- that is to transform the hearts and minds of others. Many times we become overwhelmed, frustrated, and even depressed with of our experiences and circumstances, and we’re unable to fully understand why we’re going through such challenging times. It has been through my most difficult experiences that I’ve been able to discover my strength, gifts, talents and abilities. Instead of trying to figure out all of the “why’s” and “how’s” of life, I’ve decided to trust God and allow Him to direct my path. I once read that it is not our responsibility to determine our destiny as our life’s paths are already destined; however, it is our responsibility to discover what that destiny actually is and to fulfill it. With that being said, our primary responsibility is to walk by faith, operate in love, be deliberate in our actions and live our lives on purpose; that is, the purpose that God has ordained for our lives. There is no need to worry about every detail as long as you trust in God and believe the promises He’s made for your life. Every woman that comes to this realization is indeed a Winning Woman and I salute those of you that are willing to yield to His plan while staying committed to pursuing your goals, living out your dreams, and fulfilling your purpose.

WW: Wow, this is one of the main reasons why we chose you for this interview - for answers like that. Your very presence is filled with inspiration and motivation. Stacy, you are also known as the 'Personal Development Expert'. How did you get that title?

STACY: Honestly, I'm not sure how or when I was given the title of 'Personal Development Expert', but it sure does sound good, LOL! I believe the title stems from the fact that I am very committed to personal development and the mental uplifting of others. Like most, I have struggled with various issues such as low self esteem, insecurity and lack of confidence in the past, while still desiring to grow beyond my circumstances. It's very conflicting to feel like you are being bound by your circumstances and experiences, yet still feel like you're not capable or powerful enough to transcend your own self defeating thoughts and emotions that prevent you from living the life you desire. As a result of my own frustration, depression, and perceived lack of success, I started to devote myself to reading motivational articles, self help books, metaphysical novels, and the utilization of positive affirmations to improve my level of confidence. To be honest with you, overcoming low self esteem and confidence issues is no easy feat. One must be diligent in overcoming this giant, and committed to incorporating those activities and exercises that promote a positive mental image of oneself. Over time, these activities became a part of my daily habits and life, and I found myself uplifting others as I grew throughout the process. My lifestyle has become one that consists of success habits and activities that promote mental growth, clarity, and success consciousness.

WW: Wow! We love your energy. What keeps you so motivated?

STACY: What keeps me motivated is my faith and desire to help others grow and succeed in every area of their lives. Whether it's spiritual, mental, financial or physical growth, I believe that a positive attitude, faith and confidence in self can empower an individual to break through barriers and experience victories on every level. I'm motivated by the thought that I can make a difference in someone's life. I'm encouraged by the fact that God can use me to be a blessing to others despite all my flaws and imperfections. Whether it's through my writing or speaking, I believe that my testimony as well as my passion to see others succeed equips me with the strength and determination I need to purposely pursue my vision and fulfill the assignment for my life. We all have different assignments and callings on our lives; however, a lack of faith, lack of confidence and the unwillingness to yield to the plan for our lives leads to frustration, negativity and even a feeling of worthlessness.Faith allows us to realize our greatest potential and achieve our greatest victories.

I’m also motivated and inspired by those that have been brought into my life by divine connection. As your way of thinking evolves, so will your circle of influence. As I’ve continued to grow over the years, I have seen my sphere of influence evolve into one that is dynamic and powerful beyond measure. I am so thankful to individuals like Billie Miller, Dr. Ayo Kedar, Nicole S. Cooper, LaShae Primus, Jackie Hernandez and my best friend Chris Gloss "The Possibilitarian" for keeping me encouraged, motivated, and determined to win by feeding into my vision and lifting me up when necessary. Each of them (in addition to several others) have been instrumental in both my personal and professional growth and have contributed to my many successes. Once we make the decision to embrace God’s plan for our lives, He will align us with those individuals necessary to stretch our vision, strengthen our resolve and keep us grounded in order that His will be manifested in our lives.

WW: You mentioned that you devoted yourself to reading books and other helpful resources. Can you share with us some of your favorite books and/or other resources that have changed your life? (ex. CD's, DVD's, Articles, etc.).

STACY: Sure! When I first started my journey in the area of self development I knew it was important for me to take “baby steps” and choose books that I could understand. It’s important not to overwhelm yourself by beginning your personal development program with books and material that will overwhelm or totally confuse you. This approach will be ineffective as you will not be able to comprehend or retain the information your reading. I started off with a very small, yet powerful novel- the abridged version of “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, entitled “As a Woman Thinketh”, transcribed for women by Dorothy Hulst. This book changed my life as it introduced me to the whole concept of “success consciousness” and the power of thought.

I also started to listen to different CD’s on the power of words and how to use positive affirmations to obtain desired results in your life.
Once affirmations became an integral part of my daily activities, I was introduced to “The Complete Works of H. Emily Cady”. Her first book, “Lessons in Truth” helped me to understand how our thoughts can either give us liberty or keep us in bondage. I also learned how imperative it is to seek spiritual guidance and direction as you embark upon this journey of self discovery and personal development.
Some of my other favorites are “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker, and “The Power of Awareness” by Neville. I would also encourage everyone to subscribe to different websites to obtain daily/weekly/monthly newsletters in the areas of positive thinking and spiritual growth.

WW: There are some women who are reading this interview who may feel discouraged. They're facing many challenges and they're ready to quit. They're ready to throw in the towel and just give up. What do you have to say to them?

STACY: I would first tell them that I understand and can empathize with them. Just like most, I have suffered times of great depression, set back and hurt; however, I made it through those dark times and overcame every trial that presented itself in my life. As cliché as it sounds, we just need to know when to "let go and let GOD". As challenging as it has been for me, I have had to learn to submit and yield to God’s will instead of trying to create my own. Many may say this is much easier said than done, and I would agree that they are right. Despite how difficult it may be, it can and must be done. The weight of the world is too much for any one individual to carry on his/her own shoulders, but we can thank God that our Savior did it for us…the hard part is already done. Once we recognize this, we understand that the victory is already ours. It doesn’t matter how bad our situation may seem, the battle has already been won! I encourage anyone that is going through a difficult time right now to release your sense of control over the situation, and line your will up with the will of God. Fasting and meditation has worked for me in times of confusion or just when I needed some answers. Whichever path you choose, just make the commitment to choose the path of Victory and allow Christ to be your Guide. Trust Him…He will deliver you from your circumstance.

WW: You are the host and creator of the popular blog talk radio show called "Mindshift Talk Radio". But for those who have never heard of the show, share with us how you came up with the idea and the purpose for the show?

STACY: With the support and encouragement of Billie Miller and Dr. Ayo Kedar, I decided to create "Mindshift Talk Radio" after I realized the positive impact that was being made on the hearts and minds of my listeners on my previous project, "Heart to Heart w/ Stacy Emeri. Through that project I learned that there are many that desire a forum that allows them to express their thoughts and concerns in a constructive manner, while providing them with the insight, inspiration and motivation they needed to overcome life’s trials and win in every arena. The purpose of this show is to empower, motivate and inspire our listeners to renew their minds, elevate their way of thinking, and win in every area of their lives. We encourage open and honest communication about real issues affecting real people on a daily basis while sharing our various perspectives. The versatility and depth of this cast allows for well rounded and solution-based discussions that will positively impact our listeners. Our mission is to educate our listeners and sow seeds of encouragement, confidence and hope in their lives while sharpening their vision of success and victory.

WW: 5 years from now...Who is Stacy Emeri? Describe her.

STACY: You know, most people would ask in an interview, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?", but this question speaks directly to who I AM in 5 years... I love it!

In 5 years, Stacy Emeri is a successful, influential, confident, and virtuous woman of character and integrity. She works tirelessly to bless the hearts, lives and minds of many as she yields to and submits to the divine plan and purpose for her life, all for the Glory of God. She operates in holy boldness, transparency, and humility while encouraging, motivating and inspiring others to live a purposeful life of love, victory and success. She leads by example, is determined to win in every area of her life, trusting in God for her guidance and direction and continually striving to live a blessed life, equally measurable to that of the Proverbs 31 woman. Stacy Emeri is living a life of peace, operating in love, experiencing great joy and victories, and excited about the opportunities and lessons that each day holds. She truly is enjoying her title as a Winning Woman!

~ Stacy Emeri is a "Personal Development Expert" whose passion is encouraging and empowering others to reach new heights of success in every area of their lives! You can reach Stacy on facebook or email her at StacyEmeri@gmail.com.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Do you ever look at other women and compare yourself to them – compare what you have to what they have, or what you do to what they accomplish? I know I sometimes do, and every time I make that comparison I come up short. Either I’m not as pretty or not as smart, not as rich or not as popular, not as energetic or not as organized, not as creative or not as productive.

If you can relate, if you too often feel inadequate, then let me let you in on a freeing truth. God didn’t create us to live someone else’s life. He gave us each our own mission, and He’s gifted us uniquely for it.

When I keep my eyes on the Lord and His plans for my life, what others are doing or how well they are doing it becomes irrelevant. I don’t have to compete because there is no competition for the role of Rachel Olsen on this earth or in the Father’s heart.

There is no true competition for your role, either. You were specifically knitted together in your mother’s womb by God Himself with purpose and care (see Psalm 139:13). No one else has the exact same combination of personality traits, spiritual gifts, and life experiences as you. You are a one of a kind, and you have a mission only you can fulfill. Ephesians 2:10 says it this way:
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT

I can say with confidence that no one else can be your parents’ daughter or your siblings’ sister. No one else can be your husband’s wife or your children’s mother. I believe there are specific roles for you to play in your church and in your community. You were destined for these roles – nobody can fill them like you!

While I don’t know the specific designs God has on your life, I know they are good and worth pursuing wholeheartedly. But you won’t discover them by envying other women or accepting their mission in place of your own. Ignore the competition. Better yet, be happy for their success! They are no threat to you. Just keep your eyes on the Lord and keep asking Him to bring about His good plans for you.

“Dear Lord, I believe You have satisfying plans for my life and You’ve gifted me to accomplish them. I ask You to reveal them to me and bring them closer to completion. Convict me, Holy Spirit, when I begin to experience envy or feel the need to compete. Remind me not to compete with others, but to love them. In Jesus’ name. Amen."


Next time you find yourself feeling competitive or envious of another woman, march right up to her and compliment her with all the gracious sincerity you can gather. When you walk away, whisper thanks to God that you don’t have to compete with anyone to have or be all that He intends for you.

~ Rachel Olsen is a National Women's Speaker and Author of "IT'S NO SECRET: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know". For more information visit www.RachelOlsen.com