Sunday, September 12, 2010


For those of you who feel as if your goals are too difficult to reach or that not TOO much is possible for you right now, this article is for YOU!

There is one thing you must do before you think of another negative thought that involves the path of your life: STOP!

It takes little effort to be negative. It's easy to say, "I can't do it," "This is not meant for me," or "I'm not going that far." To be negative is simple. You can do this with almost no energy, which is why so many people do it. However, with positivity comes effort and often, dilligence. It can be cumbersome and sometimes takes planning and thinking things out. Who wants to do that? Who wants to invest time into their future? Who wants to do all the steps necessary to become...SUCCESSFUL? Everyone in the world should!

If you are in the age range of 18 and up, now is the time to dish out all negative voices and other hooplah that impair your will to succeed. It is not cute for any young man or woman to continue to mooch off of others or milk other people for what they have. BUILD YOUR OWN TERRITORY! Build a path for the generations to follow! Feel free to invent something! Make something GRAND happen for other people! Inspire a child! Inspire an adult! Inspire...YOURSELF!

Whatever age you are, be more optimistic. Be more hopeful in what you can do. As long as you are God's creation, you can do whatever is necessary to get what you want DONE! I say this with love and encouragement. I say this with urgency and motivation.

I am a breathing testimony that if you do these four things, you can, without a doubt, get to where you wanna be:

1) THINK of What You Want to Do.
It all starts in the mind. In order to do anything, you must think first. This is only common sense. Everything starts with a thought. Get a blank notebook or sheet of paper. Write down your interests, dislikes, and goals. This allows you to see what motivates you and gives a sense of direction.

2) SAY What You Want to Do.
The Bible mentions that the tongue is powerful. It talks about how the mouth determines our life or death. Read your interests back to yourself. If you already know what you want to do, speak it into existence. Say that it will happen. This will boost your confidence.

3) PRAY About What You Want to Do.
Our Heavenly Father wants us to enjoy the life that He has given us. He wants us to be ambitious, confident, and determined. He wants us to be independent go-getters. However, we must always consult with Him. We must receive His divine consent. After all, He is our Father. Whatever we do for Him will last. Whatever we do with Him will last. Once you lean on Him, He will also set up your environment with supportive people.

4) DO What is Necessary to Do What You Want to Do.
Once you have thought, said, and prayed about what you want to do, you are ready to take action. You have a clear direction now. You have confidence. You have that extra Divine backbone to keep you driven toward your goal. You already have the fuel to get your motor running, so go for it!

Whether you want to be an entrepreneur, artist, actress, delivery girl, masseuse, published author, celebrity, janitor, or librarian, your goal is REACHABLE. Whatever you want to do, it can all be within your grasp before you know it. It starts with you. Unless you have wild connections, you are on your own. Even with connections, you must put forth effort. If you have no one to lean on to hurry and get you to the top, I thoroughly encourage you to follow these four steps. There will be people who will try to pull you down from where you want to go, but trust me: You cannot fail, once you begin to follow these steps. It’s time to stop complaining and start proclaiming!

I am a 25-year-old living testimony. There is no age to success, so don’t think you have to take so long to get it.

~ Article By Neely Terrell,
Author of "DUMPED AND DELIVERED: Seeds to Uplift the Brokenhearted, Single, and Committed"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

This is Not the Time to Give Up!

I woke up this morning realizing that I am greatly blessed. Yes, of course, I am blessed with material things, friends, my beloved kids, Cole and Conner (the cats) and many other things but I am referring to a specific blessing. I have been blessed with the ability of self motivation, spiritually you would call it the gift of exhortation. You know, that quality that kicks me in the behind and says, “Charlotte, you can either stay where you are or get up and do something about the situation to move forward.” Believe me, that is truly a blessing that has moved and pushed me past many a road block in my life. This morning I was especially appreciative for that ability because of realizing so many people around me don’t seem to have that ability to kick themselves in the behind to push themselves forward.

Today’s post holds my usual passion regarding moving toward the future and your dreams. The message is simply this: This is not the time to give up! So much is against us everyday that it almost take superhuman strength to remain in the struggle. Actually, it does. For today, instead of giving in, I encourage you to stay in the game and say, “I will press forward!”

I so get it. Believe me, I do. Yeah, I thrive to push and exhort others toward their potential but there are times when I just want to say forget it. Life is just too hard and it feels like there is a personal plot against me at times to make my life a living hell. It’s not fair. Most times our frustrations of our situation comes from looking at other people’s lives and comparing. Sometimes I look at other people’s lives and it seems as though life is so easy for them. I really don’t care about the little boo hoos of the rich and famous or if Paris Hilton is having a breakup with her boyfriend. Her life seems a breeze in comparison. Then reality hits me and I think, “Money or not, I have no clue what another person’s life is like….wouldn’t mind trying it out for a second, but still don’t know what it’s like.”

The point is that I only think my life is unfair or wrong when I compare my journey to another person’s life and believe that my life is supposed to be like theirs. Hate it or appreciate it, my life is what my life is and can only be directed by the choices I make. To spend time trying to adjust my life to resemble someone elses is to say my life has no worth. We often say we don’t envy other people’s lives but we compare ourselves and sell ourselves short because of it on a daily basis. We believe things like…because I’m not John Grisham selling millions of books on the best seller’s list somehow I’m not an impacting writer… because I’m not living in a big house and driving a big expensive car I’m not a successful person…because I aim to be a Godly housewife, mother (father), teacher, office worker, grandparent, business person, etc. instead of being famous or rich, I’m not accomplishing great things… because my business is not making billions like Bill Gates or helping people internationally my work isn’t as important…because of the obstacles, tragedies, past, current situations, fears, doubts, and seemingly impossibilities in my life my dreams aren’t important or obtainable like they are for other people. All those beliefs are lies! Every single one of them.

This is not the time to give up but to get mad, to get pushed and to get up. Each time you compare yourself to someone else, somebody loses. Most times, depending on our state of mind, it is us. In any case, nobody wins. I have a belief that what is for me is for me. Paris Hilton, Denzel Washington, Oprah Winfrey, nor Max Lucado could never possess anything that was meant for me so there is no reason for me to try to compete or compare myself to them. They have their unique story, journeys and purposes and I have mine. Nobody can posses another person’s story, journey or purpose, NOBODY no matter how similar it might seem.

The same is for you. I encourage you to not use your time looking at others and how you can mold your story and dream to theirs but to explore what you have been placed on this earth to pursue, dream and live out that nobody else can do. (SELF PROMOTION: My upcoming book, “UNLEASHING YOUR POWER TO: Dream Madly, Pursue Wildly, and Trust Completely” deals with this and more) Once you begin to understand that you were meant to dream, you will begin to push yourself even during those times when you want to give up.

On man, it get’s so rough. But I know you can do this. Please don’t let doubt tell you that you are not good enough to follow the dream that has been placed in you to live out. Please don’t let fear convince you that the road is too scary and that you are too big of a coward to look possible failure and mistakes in the face and get up again. Are you not more powerful than a little failure or rejection, please! Please, don’t let others fill your head with their own non-belief or lack of creativity. They will be the ones asking if it is safe to come over once you have paved the way. You can do this. Trust what you know, not what you feel. Let’s push forward together. You are not alone in your journey, I promise.

~ Article by Charlotte Hunt,

Charlotte D. Hunt is a national speaker, author, and radio personality. She is dedicated to helping people to dream madly, pursue wildly, and trust completely. For more information visit