Sunday, August 29, 2010

Who is Margaret Maxwell?

Back in 1969 John graduated college and got married to a woman named Margaret. John had big dreams of building a large, influential church. Immediately after John got married, he accepted his first leadership position. The position was at a small church in rural Indiana and they didn't have much money. When John and Margaret met with the church's leaders, they offered him a salary of $80 a week. They told him, "John, you are free to pursue additional work to get some extra income to make ends meet." That's when John's wife Margaret stepped in and said,

"No. Even if the salary is part-time, John will give all his energy to the church full-time. He is going to become a great leader."
~ Margaret Maxwell

Margaret took on three jobs to maintain the household. She worked as a kindergarten teacher. She cleaned houses. She even worked part-time in a jewelry store. John is forever grateful of Margaret, because for so many years, she has been vital to his dreams. John C. Maxwell is one of America's top leaders. He's a Leadership Guru. He's an author who's sold over 19 million books. Though his name is popular, her name isn't. We recognize him, but he recognizes her. And he's not shy of telling us that he didn't fulfill his dream by himself.

"But I will never forget the empowerment I felt when she stood up for me and my dream that day so early in our marriage. None of my dreams would have come true without her."
~ John C. Maxwell

Who is Margaret Maxwell? Margaret Maxwell is a Winning Woman. What about you? Who are you motivating? Who are you empowering? Who are you lifting up? Who are you cheering on?
"Every GREAT man Loves a GREAT woman."

~ Article By Billie Miller,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Winning Woman Exposed

Are you a good woman? Are you a Winning Woman? Many women think to themselves, "Of course, I'm a good woman..." or "I'm a woman, so yes, I'm a Winning Woman..." They think because they're a female, that automatically makes them a Winning Woman, let alone a good woman. But let's expose who the 'real' Winning Women are.

You're not a Winning Woman because you're simply a female. You're not a Winning Woman because of your race. Nope. You're not a Winning Woman because of your bank account. Your job title doesn't qualify you either. And though you are beautiful, you're not even a Winning Woman because of your beauty.

You're a Winning Woman because you're connected to God. You're a Winning Woman because you're empowered by His Word. You're a Winning Woman because His Spirit lives on the inside of you. Do you realize what happens when a woman meets God? Something explosive happens. Something miraculous happens. Heaven wakes up. Do you know what happened when a woman named Mary met with God? Jesus came about. Love came about. Life came about.

Are you connected to God? Have you accepted Christ? Have you surrendered your Life to Him? If yes, praise God. If not, then do so, because this is the first step to becoming a Winning Woman.

~ Article By Billie Miller,

Copyright © 2010 by Billie Miller
All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without including the Title,the Article in its entirey, the Author, and copyright information.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


We're living in a time where social networking is very popular. Almost everyone is tweeting, facebooking, myspacing, building web sites, broadcasting on radio and television. Its the 'in' thing to make it known as to what you are doing in your life at the present time or in the future.

I've noticed though, when reading statuses that people are quick to give notice and reverence (and I meant 'reverence' not 'reference') to the enemy. Our words are so powerful and even when 'typed', they show the level of our faith walk. After having this thought, God led me to read the oh so famous happenings of Peter when he walked on water. I immediately begin to think, "I'm a Water Walker, because I have faith!" Peter was also a Water Walker. He's even famous for it. But at the same time he's famous for sinking. He only sank because he lost focus on where he was going and the One he was going to.

Why does it seem so much easier to focus on the negative rather than the positive? Why mention the one who hinders the blessings rather than the Blesser, the haters rather than our supporters, our enemies rather than our allies, our problems rather than our answers, chaos rather than peace, trials rather than triumphs, defeat rather than victories, doubt rather than belief.

"Peter replied, 'Lord, if it is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.' 'Come on!' Jesus said. Peter then got out of the boat and started walking on the water toward him.

But when Peter saw how strong the wind was, he was afraid and started sinking. 'Save me, Lord!' he shouted. Right away, Jesus reached out his hand. He helped Peter up and said, 'You surely don't have much faith. Why do you doubt?'" Matthew 14:28-31 CEV

We walk by faith and not by sight (our senses). Peter perceived and felt the storm. You will see it and feel it too. My prayer is this:

"Lord help me to stay focused on YOU!"

Like Peter, we too see our destiny before we begin the journey there. But on the way there, it's important to keep our focus on our destiny. Don't lose focus. I'm not saying ignore the storm, but just don't let it get to you. Don't let it cause you to sink. Of course, if you feel yourself sinking, do like for HELP!

~ Article By Jessica D. Proctor, a Winning Woman

Thursday, August 19, 2010

So What...YOU WIN!

"But Christ Loved us. He has helped us to win great victory in all these things." Romans 8:37 WE

You're a Winning Woman! Say it aloud, "I'm a Winning Woman!" You're a Winning Woman, not because of your skill or talent; not because of luck or karma; not because you have a lot of money. You're a Winning Woman simply because God created you to be. You're anointed to win. You were born to lose, but you were born-again to win. And the sooner that you realize that, the sooner you can make things happen.

"I move on toward the goal to win the prize. God has appointed me to win it. The heavenly prize is Christ Jesus Himself." Philippians 3:14 NIRV

God has appointed you and anointed you to win. But it's up to you to move toward the goal. So what, you've had some failures? So what, you've had some setbacks? So what, you got a divorce? Just because your marriage ended doesn't mean that your Life ended. So what, you got laid off? You may have lost your job, but you didn't lose your life. So what, you've made mistakes? You're not a Winning Woman because you never make mistakes. You're a Winning Woman because you always strive to win. No matter what happens, always strive to win.

What are you waiting for? This is your life. This is your time. This is not the time to give up. This is not the time to quit. This is the time for you to win...because you're a Winning Woman.

~ Article By Billie Miller,

Copyright © 2010 by Billie Miller
All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without including the Title,the Article in its entirey, the Author, and copyright information.