Move - to pass from one place or position to another; to go from one place of residence; to advance or progress; to have a regular motion; turn; revolve.
One of the most difficult things to do is change, especially if you've just gotten used to the position you're in and its comfortable. Often though, things don't get better until we 'MAKE A MOVE'. Sometimes we don't do it, or won't do it because of the fear of the unknown.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Tim. 1:7
But when the time is right, whether we want to come out of our comfort zone or what we're used to... we need to MOVE!
Just think, there are so many 'movements' that have made a difference in our lives.
For example:
* The Civil Rights Movement - which helped us achieve and recognize our equal rights as a race.
* The Abolition Movement - which was a movement to end slavery.
* Women's Lib Movement - which helped women establish a sense of self worth.
* Animal Rights Movement - which helped to establish rights for non-human animals.
Or have you ever wanted to get to know someone, but because of fear or shyness you didn't make a move. And the minute you decided after hesitation, someone else moved before you..... they got what you wanted! You moved too slow!
Have you ever thought about how different your life would be if you had 'made a move' earlier than you did... or moved from one place or position to another.
There are times in the Bible when God requires His people to 'make a move' in order for Him to Move!!!
"If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
This whole Scripture is about God wanting His people to 'make a move', put forth some effort to cause change in their lives and the world around them.
Humble themselves - to lower in condition and importance; to become meek, which is an ACTION, which is a MOVE!!
Pray - to offer a petition, thanks, or praise to God; to enter into Communion with God; to open their mouths and speak to God on the behalf of someone else.
Seek his face - to search out, look for, to try to find, to ask for (face - presence) of God.
Turn - to change, to move, from one direction to another direction.
All these things were actions... movements!
Basically God said,
"Only when you move, will I move."*What if the ten lepers wouldn't have looked past their embarrassment and asked Jesus to heal them. And what if that ONE leper wouldn't have been different from his fellow lepers and went back to thank Jesus. Without that move, he wouldn't have been made WHOLE, just healed, and there is a big difference!
*What if the woman with the Issue of Blood wouldn't have decided to go against what other women in her condition would do. What if she hadn't decided to put forth effort in spite of her pain, her brokeness, her lack of money, probably lookin a mess, and her earlier failed attempts to be helped. She 'made a move' and it MOVED Jesus!
*What if Paul and Silas hadn't made moves.. PRAISE AND PRAYER are moves that caused God to move, and God caused the earth to move (earthquake), and the earth caused the prison to move...They wouldn't have experience freedom at such a time and the others wouldn't have experienced salvation if not for their MOVE!
*What if Naaman had only moved as many times as he wanted instead of the 7 times the man of God said.... he wouldn't had been healed. Yes, at first he was upset because Elisha wouldn't come lay hands on him.. AND then he wondered why he couldn't dip in the rivers of Damascus instead of the Jordan. He had to do something he wasn't comfortable with... but when he moved, when he obeyed... his skin came back to him. Not only did it come back, but it was like a baby's skin! NOW THAT WAS AN IMPORTANT MOVE!!
So how is your life being affected right now simply because there are moves that you need to make and you're not doing it?
Or how many people are waiting on an opportunity to experience salvation?
Or how is the Kingdom benefitting from your MOVEMENTS?
Yes, sometimes it's uncomfortable, its controversial, it may cause a stir, and it may cause a stink. But you're different from everyone else.
~ Article By Jessica Proctor, a Winning Woman